Taking Care of Dirty Business with a Portable Pressure Washer

The great outdoors has a way of calling us to come and play. There’s just no beating the feeling of being in touch with nature. But let’s be honest, as exciting as it can be, spending a long day in the sun with no way to clean up is a hassle. In times like this, a portable pressure washer can be a huge life-saver.

The muddy mountain mission.

Treat your hardworking truck to a quick clean after a tough 4x4 mission.
Treat your hardworking truck to a quick clean after a tough 4×4 mission.-min

Let’s say you are going for a trip up Sani Pass, for example. The goal is simple. Start in Underberg, show off your driving skills as you mission up the hair-raising pass and enjoy the golden reward: a cold beer at the highest pub in Africa.

The reality is not that smooth. You think you are unstoppable, going through the border post and gallantly starting the steep ascent.

Certain that your 4×4 is indestructible, you cruise through the terrain, showing those initial potholes who’s boss. Perhaps you even convinced your bae to join you on this scenic trip.

It starts to rain, the mud is getting slippery and what happens? Your car overheats from all those Rambo moves. You pull over and as you step out, landing ankle-deep in a stinky puddle, you pop the hood and start to investigate your engine bay – covered in dirt – to try to diagnose the fault.

A portable pressure washer can make cleaning caked on mud on larger vehicles like this truck much faster
It’s all fun and games until that mud has caked up all over your engine and tyres, so avoid the drama and turn up the pressure.

The water pump belt had slipped off either due to not being tight enough or from all the mud. Either way, you have to ease the tensioner, put it back and re-tension.

Half an hour later, your beast on wheels is ready to roar again. You are a muddy mess – much to bae’s disgust – as you get into the car.

Next, you get stuck in a donga that was just that little too deep. Again, you get out, more mud on your shoes as you winch your way out.

Finally, you reach the top. By this stage, you’re so ready to sit down in the warm, dry pub and relax after the arduous trek.

About to walk into Africa’s Highest Pub, the waiter stops you and asks that you sit outside because you are covered in mud. Instead of sitting cosy and romantic inside with a warm meal, you are banished to the outdoors, where it is drizzly and the cold mountain air is creeping into your clothes.

Bae is not amused and you know the trip down is going to be tough.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a portable pressure washer right about now to hose off the engine and yourself?

It would make for a happier ending.

Salty, sandy and rusting away!

Feel fresh and clean in seconds after catching a couple of waves with a quick and easy spray down.
Feel fresh and clean in seconds after catching a couple of waves with a quick and easy pressure washer spray down.

Take two – it’s summer, hot and humid. It’s a day of surfing, swimming, sailing and snorkelling.

You are on a remote and untouched stretch of the coastline where you might find a tap, but certainly not a shower. When all the fun in the sun is over, you are left feeling salty, sandy and sunburned, with no way of cleaning yourself or your fishing skis, motorboat and surfboards.

The ideal solution would be to install a water tank and pump in your vehicle. Unfortunately, it is not particularly practical.

Can you imagine driving to work every day with a tank attached to your truck? No way!

Pedal to the rust-free metal

A portable pressure washer can give this dirty and muddy bike a quick washdown
You dont want to deal with this muddy mess when it is dry

Be it a casual cruise along the promenade or rushing through an intense track in the wild, your mountain bike is always exposed to nature’s elements which means it gets down and dirty!

Keep rust from wearing your bicycle away with a quick hose down from a portable pressure washer
Spritz off the splash and go again!

The easiest way to make sure your bike’s performance stays top-notch and its lifespan is kept intact is to keep things clean. The salty air from the beautiful beach rides is a killer for the chain and getting all that caked mud off the spokes is a mission.

The only thing for it is to give your trusty two-wheeler a good spray down before the salt has set in and the mud has dried.

The verdict: turn up the pressure!

If you are the lady who would prefer a clean partner as you scramble up Sani Pass or the beach lover who doesn’t want to go to bed feeling sandy and salty, you might want to consider gifting your man a portable pressure washer this Christmas (which is in less than two months!).

SnoMaster Portable Pressure Washer

This lovely portable pressure washer from SnoMaster is compact, easy to use and the ideal on-the-go option for those remote holidays and perfect to keep those toys clean and salt-and-rust-free.



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