SnoMaster Ice-Maker products are services by the below entities across South Africa.
Click on a red map marker for agent’s details
This agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the installation services of SnoMaster Ice-Makers provided by third-party contractors. It is essential for customers to comprehend these provisions to ensure a seamless installation experience.
Service offered by the installation contractor encompass the previously listed requirements but do not include the following, which are not within scope of services offered by the contractor, thus will incur additional charges, payable by the customer and/or may require a third party to supply the below additional services:
If an electrical point is required, it must be arranged by a certified electrician. The expenses related to this electrical work are outside the scope of the contractor and will be payable by the customer.
By reading the above, you hereby confirm that you have thoroughly read, understood, and accepted the aforementioned terms and conditions.